AEH1 COVID-19 Update

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To our valued customers,

In these uncertain and rapidly changing times, on behalf of the Agricultural Equipment Holdings 1 dealer group, I wanted to get in touch to let you know what we’re doing to support our customers and partners through the COVID-19 pandemic.

All our branches will continue to operate as normal, we are monitoring the situation daily and making decisions based on the latest guidance from the government and state & federal updates and will advise of any changes to business operations as they arise. The health of our team, customers, suppliers and business partners across Australia is our absolute priority and we want to assure you that the highest standards of health and safety across our operations are being upheld.

A number of measures we have put in place are:

  • Regularly updating our teams ‘PPE guidelines and preventative measures to reduce the risk of contracting COVID-19. This includes enforcement of establishing personal hygiene regimes throughout all areas within our business operations.
  • Ensuring that our employees are fully aware of the COVID-19 symptoms and take appropriate and timely action
  • The cessation of international, interstate travel (outside of any emergency or critical response situations) along with limiting the amount of inter branch travel without restricting the efficiency of our products and services.
  • Implementation of the government’s SOCIAL DISTANCING guidelines and eliminate all physical contact between customers, employees and representatives.

We are seeking your support that you have undertaken similar steps to those outlined above and to contact your local branch if you have any further questions or concerns to enable us to continue to provide our high level of customer service.

As we always have, let’s continue to work together to stabilise the agricultural industry in these challenging times.


David Thompson, Managing Director